The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan Main Department On Combating Trafficking in Human Beings



BASED ON the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan





Trafficking in human being, FORCED LABOR

(Articles N- 144-1, 144-2 and 144-3. )

Attraction to prostitution, ownership of brothels (articles 243 and 244)


A crime against the freedom of person.

Is a crime against public morality.

Is a type of transnational organized crime and in substance is a form of modern slavery.

Transnational and slavery characters do not exist.

The purpose is commitment of exploitation.

The purpose of commitment is to get income or other benefits.

Grave crime, but if by inadvertence is caused to death or other serious consequences, is considered as especially grave crime.

Less grave crime.

Victim limited freedom, men and women who are victims of trafficking in human being, have been forced to serve against their will;

is released from civil, administrative and criminal liability;

is protected, provided with assistance, social rehabilitation, ensures security and privacy is ensured (confidentiality) by the state

Victimlonely women voluntarily engaged in prostitution or having immoral lifestyle.


According to the Article 524 of the Administrative Code, administrative fine shall be in the amount of 100 manats.

Forms of commitment - forced labor, sexual exploitation, slavery, practices similar to slavery and dependency status coming from them, illegal removal of human organs and tissues, illegal medical research on a person, the use of a woman as a surrogate mother etc.

Forms of the offense have not been determined by the law.

(The forms of commitment of a crime are not determined by the law.)

Methods of committing - by applying force or violence, intimidation or other means of coercion, abduction, fraud, deception, influence or abuse of power by weakness, or the consent of a person having control over another person for the material and non-material gifts, by giving privileges or discounts

The methods of commitment are not determined by the law.

PUNISHMENT -  shall be punished with jail for the term from five to fifteen years.

PUNISHMENT - a fine, public or community work, or punished by jail up to six years.

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