The Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on amendments to the law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "combating trafficking in human beings". Law no. 1066-ivqd of 17.10.2014
The Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on amendments to the law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "combating trafficking in human beings". Law no. 609-ivqd of 19.04.2013
The Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on joining the agreement "on Cooperation of the ministries of internal affairs of the states parties of the Commonwealth of independent states (police) in combating trafficking in human beings". Law no. 507-ivq of 21.12.2012
The Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on approval of the convention of the council of Europe on combating trafficking in human beings. Law no. 1002-iiiq of 11.05.2010
The Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the Approval of the Decision "On the Program of Cooperation in the Field of Combating Trafficking in Human Beings of States Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States for 2007-2010". Law No. 749-IIIQ of 30.12.2008
The Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the approval of the agreement "on cooperation in the field of combating trafficking in human beings, combating illicit trade in human organs and tissues among states parties of the Commonwealth of independent states". Law no. 114-iiiq of 23.05.2006
The Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on making additions to some legislative acts of the Republic of Azerbaijan in connection with the application of the law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "on combating trafficking in human beings". Law no. 51-iiiqd dated 30.12.2005
The Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on "Combating trafficking in human beings". Law no. 958-iiq of 28.06.2005
The Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on approval of the final protocol to the convention on combating trafficking in human beings and about the fight against exploitation of prostitution by third parties by the law no. 769-iiq of 12.10.2004
The UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime on the Prevention, Suppression and Punishment of Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, and the Protocols Against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air, AZERBAIJAN LAW OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN. Law No. 435-IIQ of 13.05.2003
The Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on joining the un convention on the rights of the child and its optional protocol on the child trafficking, child prostitution and child pornography. Law no. 285-iiq of 02.04.2002
The Law Of The Republic Of Azerbaijan On The Approval Of The Provision On Ensuring Serving In The Internal Affairs Bodies Of The Republic Of Azerbaijan
The Law Of The Republic Of Azerbaijan On Operational-Search Activity
The Law Of The Republic Of Azerbaijan On The Struggle Against Corruption
The Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on amending the law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on "police"
The Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Approval of the Convention of the Council of Europe on Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse. Law No. 1681-VQ of 22.10.2010.
The Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Social service (social services for victims of human trafficking have been prescribed in this law). Law No. 275-IVQ of 30.12.2011.