![]() Don’t be indifferent! |
Trafficking in human beings – recruitment, obtaining, keeping, harboring, transporting, giving or receipt of a person by means of threat or use of force, intimidation or other means of coercion, abduction, fraud, deception, abuse of power [influence] or a position of vulnerability, or by giving or receiving payments or benefits, privileges or concessions to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for purposes of exploitation.
According to the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Combating Trafficking in Human Beings" dated by 28.06.2005, # 958-IIQ, prevention of human trafficking is organized on the basis of special measures within various state programs.
Organization of prevention of trafficking in human beings.
The system of preventive measures against trafficking in human beings shall include:
Conducting research on the prevention, particularly gender aspects of trafficking in human beings;
Proposing and implementing programs targeting the social problems that lead to trafficking in human beings;
Strengthening legal and social protection of women and children;
Involving potential victims of trafficking in human beings in social activity and ensuring their employment;
Encouraging entrepreneurs to recruit potential victims of trafficking in human beings;
Establishing propaganda and educational work among the potential victims of trafficking in human beings, informing them of the dangers awaiting victims of human trafficking, on the measures of protection provided by the government, and on administrative, criminal law, and other measures on combating trafficking in human beings implemented by the government;
Creating and applying a system of social, legal, pedagogical, and other measures aimed at the identification and elimination of conditions and circumstances leading to solitude and orphanage;
Identifying minors, who evade education and taking measures on their education;
Proposing and implementing special programs for educational institutions, orphanages, boarding schools, and other bodies/units operating on the prophylactics of the juvenile offenses and desolation;
Organizing specialized educational courses for the personnel of the agencies combating trafficking in human beings.
Prevention of human trafficking is reflected in the framework of the following measures mentioned in the National Action Plan for the years 2014-2018 on Combating trafficking in human beings in Azerbaijan Republic approved by the Order dated by 24.07.2014, # 667 of the President of Azerbaijan Republic:
Prevention of human trafficking is organized based on special measures system within the framework of the legislation.
In order to prevent the human trafficking, the publicity and propaganda works are ensured on relevant social sections, the publicity works on the danger waiting for the victims of human trafficking, the ensured protection measures, the administrative, criminal legal and other measures executed against human trafficking are continued.
The society will be continued to informed on the “hot line” serving to the persons suffered from the crimes of human trafficking, the supposed and potential victims of human trafficking, relevant measures will be taken for provision of regular training got the operators working in the services, and for increasing the safety of such lines and the confidentiality of the persons using them, as well as the organizational technical possibilities of the services.
It is envisaged to prepare the methodic teaching materials on the essence of the problem of human trafficking, and on prevention of it, to ensure conducting scientific researches on combating trafficking in human beings and to use the obtained results for increasing the efficiency of the combating measures.
The measures on fulfillment of the obligations arising out from relevant international conventions on the child labor, also the documents of the International Labor Organization will be intensified.
In order to prevent the illegal migration, forced labor and human trafficking, and to identify its victims and potential victims, it is envisaged to conduct monitoring and inspection measures by the participation of related state authorities, to identify the cases enabling the human trafficking and to do works in the direction of prevention of such cases, to take measures for intensification of the control over labor migration.
In order to reduce the risk of being the victim of human trafficking, the necessary measures will be taken in the direction of registration of the socially vulnerable families and the persons deprived of permanent residence place by the local executive power authorities and directing them to the relevant bodies to take relevant measures, attracting the potential victims of human trafficking to socially beneficial labor, encouragement of the entrepreneurs to employ them, to employ the persons suffered from human trafficking.
It is envisaged to study the essence of the suspected suggestions that might be connected with human trafficking and taking relevant measures by conducting regular monitoring of mass media and internet sites, as well as to conduct special training for the associates of the state authorities implementing combating trafficking in human beings and social rehabilitation and the representatives of civil society by using the domestic and international cooperation possibilities.
Prevention of trafficking in human beings is considered in the Activity Plan of the NAP as follows:
Connected with implementation of the National Action Plan
13.2. Prevention of trafficking in human beings and strengthening its prophylaxis |
13.2.1. |
Increasing organizational and technical possibilities of telephone “hot lines” serving to the injured persons of human trafficking crimes and the supposed and potential victims of human trafficking |
The Ministry of Internal Affairs |
2015 |
13.2.2. |
Preparation of methodical educational means and promotional materials on the essence of the problem of human trafficking and prevention of it |
The Ministry of Education, The Ministry of Internal Affairs, other related state authorities |
2014-2016 |
13.2.3. |
Conducting scientific and social researches on combating trafficking in human beings, implementation of request and other measures for studying public opinion |
The Ministry of Internal Affairs, higher educational institutions, by involving the related non-governmental organizations |
2014-2016 |
13.2.4. |
To strengthen measures for fulfillment of the obligations arising out from the international conventions on child labor, as well as the documents of International Labor Organization |
The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The State Committee for Family, Woman and Child Problems, The Ministry of Justice |
regular |
13.2.5. |
To take joint measures for prevention of illegal migration, forced labor and human trafficking, to strengthen activities on identification of its victims and potential victims and implementation of monitoring by the participation of the related state authorities in respect thereof, identification of the cases enabling human trafficking and prevention of such cases |
The State Migration Service, The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population, The Ministry of Internal Affairs, other related state authorities |
regular |
13.2.6. |
To take measures for strengthening the control over labor migration |
The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population, The State Migration Service |
regular |
13.2.7. |
In order to decrease the risk of becoming the victim of human trafficking, to direct the vulnerable families and the persons deprived of permanent residence place to relevant state authorities for being taken into registration by the local executive power authorities and taking relevant measures |
Local executive power authorities, The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population, The State Committee for Family, Woman and Child Problems |
regular |
13.2.8. |
To implement relevant measures in the direction of attracting the victims of human trafficking to socially beneficial labor, ensuring their employment, encouraging the entrepreneurs for employing the persons suffered from trafficking in human beings |
The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population, The Ministry of Economy and Industry, local executive power authorities |
regular |
13.2.9. |
To study the essence of the suspected suggestions that might be connected with human trafficking and taking relevant measures by conducting regular monitoring of mass media and internet sites |
State Security Service, The Ministry of Internal Affairs, The Ministry of Transport, Communication and High Technologies |
regular |
13.2.10. |
Organization of special educational courses for the associates of the state authorities combating trafficking in human beings and conducting social rehabilitation, the employees of the educational and training institutions, as well as the representatives of the civil society and use of domestic and foreign cooperation possibilities in respect thereof |
The Ministry of Internal Affairs, State Security Service, The State Migration Service, The State Border Service, The State Customs Committee, The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population, The State Committee for Family, Woman and Child Problems, The Ministry of Education, The Ministry of Health and other related state authorities |
regular |