The decision of the cabinet of ministers of the republic of azerbaijan on approval of “the regulation on assistance to victims of trafficking in human beings” (decision no 8 dated by 12.01.2006)
The decision of the cabinet of ministers of the republic of azerbaijan on approval of “program for social rehabilitation and reintegration into society of children who were victims of trafficking in human beings” (decision no 37 dated by 06.02.2014)
The decision of the cabinet of ministers of the republic of azerbaijan on approval of “the rules on the repatriation of victims of trafficking in human beings” (decision no 252 dated by 10.09.2013)
The decision of the cabinet of ministers of the republic of azerbaijan on changes (decision no 195 dated by 02.08.2013) to "the rules on establishment, financing, activity, and inspection of activity of special institutions for victims of trafficking in human beings" (decision no 203 dated by 09.11.2005)
The decision of the cabinet of ministers of the republic of azerbaijan on changes (decision no 193 dated by 26.07.2013) to “the rules (indicators) for identification of victims of trafficking in human beings” (decision no 131 dated by 03.09.2009)
The decision of the cabinet of ministers of the republic of azerbaijan on changes (decision no 172 dated by 03.08.2012) to “determining of the amount of allowance paid to victims of trafficking in human beings during reintegration period” (decision no 152 dated by 17.06.2006)
The decision of the cabinet of ministers of the republic of azerbaijan on approval of “program for the elimination of social problems that lead to trafficking in human beings” (decision no 81 dated by 20.05.2011)
The decision of the cabinet of ministers of the republic of azerbaijan on addendum and amendments to “the rules for implementation of social rehabilitation of victims of trafficking in human beings” (decision no 42 dated by 24.02.2010)
The decision of the cabinet of ministers of the republic of azerbaijan on addendum and amendments (decision no 99 dated by 27.05.2010) to “determining of the amount of allowance paid to victims of trafficking in human beings during reintegration period” (decision no 152 dated by 17.06.2006)
The decision of the cabinet of ministers of the republic of azerbaijan on approval of “rules for placing and maintaining children in a shelter who were victims of trafficking in human beings” (decision no 180 dated by 19.11.2009)
The decision of the cabinet of ministers of the republic of azerbaijan on approval of “the national referral mechanism rules regarding victims of trafficking in human beings” (decision no 123 dated by 11.08.2009)
The decision of the cabinet of ministers of the republic of azerbaijan on approval of “the rules (indicators) for identification of victims of trafficking in human beings” (decision no 131 dated by 03.09.2009)
The decision of the cabinet of ministers of the republic of azerbaijan on approval of “rules for handover of victims of trafficking in human beings to the special police unit on combating trafficking in human beings” (decision no 21 dated by 01.02.2008)
The decision of the cabinet of ministers of the republic of azerbaijan on “determining of the amount of allowance paid to victims of trafficking in human beings during reintegration period” (decision no 152 dated by 17.06.2006)
The decision of the cabinet of ministers of the republic of azerbaijan on changes to "the rules on establishment, financing, activity, and inspection of activity of special institutions for victims of trafficking in human beings" (decision no 203 dated by 09.11.2005), and the decision of the cabinet of ministers of the republic of azerbaijan on “annulment of some decisions” (decision no 134 dated by 26.05.2006)
The decision of the cabinet of ministers of the republic of azerbaijan on approval of “rules for establishment, financing, operation of special enterprises for the victims of trafficking in human beings, as well supervision to their operation” (decision no 203 dated by 09.11.2005)